Kitwe Urban Development Forum
Mahopo Community School

our mission

The organisation mission is to create a platform of civil society organisation addressing household poverty, lobbying and advocating for equal access to secure land tenure, decent, adequate, affordable housing and auxilliary services and safe habitat for the rural and urban marginalised poor communities of Zambia. 

our vision

The vision of the organisation is to have a Zambia with equal access to secure land tenure, decent, adequate, affordable housing and auxilliary services and economic opportunities for all. 

organisational values



non discriminatory




gender equality

good governance

our story

Civic Forum on Housing and Habitat Zambia (CFHHZ) is local membership based non-profit organisation. It operates in Seven (7) of the Ten (10) provinces of Zambia. It uses a dual programme approach in all its developmental activities. It builds capacity of its target groups in lobbying and advocating for inclusive policies that support the socio-economic development agenda and promotion of rights of excluded groups especially the marginalised and the voiceless. CFHHZ operates under three main pillars, namely: Adequate Housing and WASH. Under this pillar, for micro interventions, the organisation supports good governance through building of community capacity to lobby for inclusive policies that govern the housing sector and access to auxiliary services. The organisation also conducts surveys that monitor and evaluate levels of satisfaction among citizens on the quality of services and Government commitments towards realisation of planned development outcomes premised on the National Development Plans and the long-term vision 2030. Under pillar 2: Economic Empowerment and Financial inclusion, the organisation builds the capacity of target groups in enterprise development and financial management. Interventions under this pillar also provides linkages to various financial institutions to help the CFHHZ excluded groups to access financial services. Under pillar 3: The organisation looks at building climate resilience among its target communities to adapt and respond to climate shocks. CFHHZ builds the capacity of its members in climate resilient housing and infrastructure that can withstand climate shocks. It also supports its target group with land use management including sustainable farming methods as majority of CFHHZ rural based members are farmers.

our work with housing co-operatives

how we work with co-operatives

The work of CFHHZ with housing cooperatives and housing groups focuses on capacity building in self help housing methods and alternative building methods. 

co-operative values

self help

Members have the will and capability to improve their living standards through joint action, as opposed to individual efforts and external resources


Members have the right to participate, be heard, be informed and be involved in decision making. The member is the basic unit and source of authority in the co-operative.


Members have equal rights and opportunities to partticipate and improve the use of socities's resources without any gender based prejudices. It strengthens mutual understanding, solidarity and reinforces ethical conduct of members.


Fair distribution of income and power in the co-operative society without any gender based prejudices. Rewards for active participation are equitably distributed through patronage bonus, dividends, allocation to capital reserves and increase in services or reduction in charges.


Strength in self - help and collective responsibilty for the well - being of the members. Co-operatives also promote solidarity by working with other co-operatives.

latest from cfhhz


Kabanana housing cooperative

Supporting access to secure land tenure

women from mandevu

Women economic empowerment


Kitwe Urban Development Forum 

Urban Planning and Housing Observatory 

Focus Area