pillar 1 adequate housing and wash

community led housing

Support increased access to decent, affordable, adequate and auxiliary housing services for all through promotion of housing cooperatives, housing savings and loans groups especially by the marginalized poor and disadvantages population of society. These include the aged, orphans, women, girls, persons living with disabilities and people living with HIV and AIDS. These groups are supported with various artisan skills to support community led housing delivery.

Support towards slum upgrading programs and project for improved livelihoods among slum dwellers.


Promotion of universal access to clean and safe drinking water, good sanitation, hygiene and solid waste management as a human right enshrined in the 2030 sustainable development goals for vulnerable CFHHZ target groups especially those in peri-urban and rural areas.

good governance

Social accountability

Promoting transparency, equity, accountability, efficiency, rule of law in public institutions linked and working directly with the housing sector.

Enhanced citizens participation & civic Engagements

Lobby and Advocate for development and implementation of pro – poor land, housing and related services, policies and facilitate effective engagements between citizens, policy makers, local authorities, service providers and parliamentary committees.


Health and safety

Promotion of organisational health and safety practices, conducting campaigns to raise awareness on pandemics, morbidities and comorbidities that affect productivity of citizens.

Facilitate creation of community action group that would support victims of (Covid 19), HIV and AIDS, GBV, Sexual Reproductive and mental health among CFHHZ groups and link them to health facilities and institution where they can access psychological counselling and medical care.

Gender equality and protection of Children’s rights

Promotion and protection of women’s rights to land and home, economic empowerment, reducing their vulnerabilities in labour markets and support fiscal and financial measures including macroeconomic policies that favour women.

Promotion and protection of children’s rights through promotion of resilient response systems and child care support.

Clean Energy

Promotion of clean energy utilisation among CFHHZ members especially among housing cooperatives.

Research and Development

Promote and support research initiatives in collaboration with other CFHHZ members including the academia on alternative housing materials and knowledge-based solutions on emerging issues affecting informal settlement dwellers.

pillar 2 economic empowerment

Housing and finance

Support access to affordable housing finance for CFHHZ members and vulnerable community members through establishment of a cooperative housing fund (Twalakula) which facilitates access to affordable housing funds from financial markets, national Governments and housing saving schemes among CFHHZ housing cooperatives and community led housing groups at lower interest rates which accelerates housing delivery.

Creation of economic safe Net’s

Supports establishment of income generating activities and enterprise development among CFHHZ housing cooperatives and youth groups.

Financial inclusion

Identify and link CFHHZ members to financial institutions that would provide them with affordable financial products and services.


pillar 3 land, environment and climate change

Land rights

Promotion of equitable access to secure land tenure among the marginalised vulnerable communities.

Climate change and resilience

Capacity building on sustainable land use and environmental management.

Environment climate change and resilience

Provide training to CFHHZ members and facilitate conducting of Environmental Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for all CFHHZ projects.

The main underlying factors for the choice of these focus areas are that the vulnerable people in Zambia living in deprivation who are at the centre of CFHHZ work and as such, are the ultimate beneficiaries of all the above-mentioned areas of interventions in CFHHZ programs and projects.